Benefitting from Risk

Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks. Done right, that's followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events. It's easier said than done, but Shakespeare wrote about it four centuries ago. 

Movers & Shakespeares teaches risk management via Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice," which brings to life the insights and practical applications of:

  • Evaluating risk
  • Recognizing risk
  • Advancing job satisfaction and achievement through risk-taking
  • Avoiding damaging effects of discrimination and systematic prejudice
  • Accenting "the quality of mercy" in the workplace

In the play, the characters who try new activities and welcome new challenges are the characters who succeed. Those who don't soon find themselves in supporting roles.

Movers & Shakespeares provides training programs based on the insights and wisdom of Shakespeare in areas including: