Making Change Work

When the drama opens, the key characters in "Taming of the Shrew" are all stuck. Then an expert in change management, Petruchio, arrives and seeks to alter the behavior of Kate, her family, and their whole society. Eventually Petruchio succeeds, and realizes that he, too, has changed during the process.

Petruchio tells audiences what he intends to do and then implements his course of action, meticulously overseeing the process in full detail, evaluating its results as it develops, and drawing universal conclusions. And that's precisely what we'll teach participants, including such things as:

  • Understanding the human side of change management
  • Aligning corporate culture, values, people and behaviors
  • Making and executing plans to implement change


Petruchio is not a high-priced consultant hired on by firms to help make big changes. He simply makes them, and shows us how to do so even now, four centuries later.


Movers & Shakespeares provides training programs based on the insights and wisdom of Shakespeare in areas including: